Sunday, March 14, 2010

First Official Blog Of Me...

My full name is Zachary Randall Hernandez. I was born February 6, 1990. In Covina, California. I am single i do not have a girlfriend. I was raised in the church my whole life. My parents were and still are Huge factors to my home church. So because of them i was always at church doing stuff for my church. I never really got into much trouble when i was younger. In middle school (junior high) I was the class clown i would always be messing around so that i guess you can say got me into trouble just a little but though. High school was super fun for me. I was again labeled the class clown. Im just a fun and funny guy. I did though meet some pretty cool people in high school and i also met some pretty bad influencing people. In the 10th grade or YEAR 10 I met some guys who influenced me in not such good ways. I got involved in illegal graffiti and became a member of one Los Angeles' biggest tagging crews. I have never been convicted of any type of crime. I have never been caught by the police. Its mostly because whenever i would tag i would feel the conviction after i would tag a spot. so i never hit up to many places but i did get my name up and recognized. In my tagging career i guess you would say i was in about 5 to about 8 different crews big and small. In the summer of my junior year i received a prophecy at a youth conference and so after that happened i sort of tried to change but when school came around those influences came around and i got back into tagging all over again, I never got out of my crew i just didnt tag for them but then i went back to school and i started hitting up spots and just doing things i shouldnt have been doing. I never got into drinking or smoking just because i was into hardcore music and the straight edge scene so i never smoked or drank. My junior year i went through the whole graffiti phase and in the summer of my senior year i went on a small missions trip and on the last day is when God really broke me down and really spoke to my life and from that moment i broke down cried and felt the conviction all over me. i went and called my mom and told her that i was a tagger and that i had been tagging and was in a tagging crew. she was mad but understood. from that moment i have never done illegal graffiti. i got out of my massive crew and stopped hanging out with all those people who had dragged me into all that stuff. So when my senior year came around i got involved with my studies and got involved with different clubs. i became the activities planner for my christian club at school. i completely gave up illegal graffiti. But when i was in my senior year i started a LEGAL graffiti crew. me and some of my church friends do it to glorify God and to be able to show off our gifts. I named the crew COS which stands for so many different things....CHRIST OUR SAVIOURCHRIST OVER SATANCASTIN OUT SINCREATIN OUTRAGEOUS STYLESCLEANSE OUR SOULSCLAIMED OUR SALVATIONCANT OUT STYLENow i am at Hillsong in australia doing what God wants me to do. So yeah thats a little about me and my testimony. I am pretty much open to anything so if you have any questions feel free to ask me. I love telling people things about me i guess you could say. So yeah... Thats it... God Bless...

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